User's Manual

Liberator-V1000 User Manual Rev 04v05
Page 53 of 85 FBN Doc #: FBN-0125_04v05
Figure 58 Using an NTP Server
5.4.7 Administration - Installation
When Alignment mode is selected, the System Mode box displays “Alignment Mode” in YELLOW. The
Alignment Voltage indication given is in volts and is the same voltage as can be measured with a voltmeter on
the alignment port on the back of the terminal. Note that ATPC is always disabled when in “Alignment Mode”.
After alignment is complete, replace the voltage port cap on the back enclosure of the terminal, and click on
“Change” to return to Normal mode. The System Mode box displays “Normal” in GREEN. It is also possible to
change mode by clicking on the “Change Mode” box on the Installation page. Once back in “Normal Mode”,
ATPC will continue to operate if it was previously enabled on the “Radio Interface” page.
Figure 59 - Installation - Alignment Mode