User's Manual

Liberator-V1000 User Manual Rev 04v05
Page 59 of 85 FBN Doc #: FBN-0125_04v05
Figure 69 - Press Confirm to accept change and avoid rollback
5.4.10 Administration - License
This page allows License Keys (including AES Licence Keys) to be entered. The License Key is locked to the
MAC address of the radio terminal, so the License Key can only be used on the radio terminal with the
corresponding MAC address.
Note that AES Licence Keys can be used only if the hardware version is AES capable. All Dual-port versions are
hardware-capable of AES, but only certain Single-port versions are hardware-capable of AES.
Please contact Fastback Network Support to obtain a License Key, the MAC addresses of both radio terminals
will be required in order to generate the Licence Keys. Copy and Paste the License Key into the entry box, and
press “Submit”. If there is an error message saying “Error: key not applied”, then it is likely that the MAC
address is not correct, in this case double-check that the correct License Key has been applied to the radio
terminal, and if the error message persists then please contact Fastback Networks Support.
After a valid AES Licence Key has been correctly uploaded to a V1000 unit which has hardware capable of
AES, then a new page “Encryption” will appear. This Encryption page is not visible until a valid AES Licence
Key has been applied to the terminal. Note that the terminal will require a reboot before the entered Licence
Key is activated.