User's Manual

Liberator-V1000 User Manual Rev 04v05
Page 64 of 85 FBN Doc #: FBN-0125_04v05
Figure 76 - Add User Defined Alarm
The new alarm is added to the Alarm Management table allowing alarm attribute configuration, note that
monitoring interval and thresholds must be configured using the ‘Alarm Threshold Management’ GUI.
IMPORTANT: Before enabling the alarm it is recommended that the user configures the monitoring interval and
threshold crossing attributes, because otherwise initial alarms may be raised and/or cleared using the default
monitoring interval and threshold values, and this could result in initial spurious and incorrect alarm states. See
‘Threshold Management’ for configuration.
Alarm Management with a new alarm added to the table.
Figure 77 - New Alarm Configure Attributes
Please also note that ‘Alarm Type’ configuration selects the type of SNMP notification sent when the alarm
state changes. For further alarm behaviour configuration select ‘Threshold Management’.
The alarms page: “Threshold Management” allows the user to configure monitoring intervals and threshold
crossing behaviour.
Each alarm is listed as in ‘Alarm Management’. The user is able to configure the behaviour of each alarm, see