User's Manual

Liberator-V1000 User Manual
Appendix B Regulatory Information
Page 83 of 85 FBN Doc #: FBN-0125_04v05
1.2. Human Exposure to Non-Ionising Radiation in the USA
There are regulations defining limits for exposure of the general public to non-ionising radiation which is
produced by radio transmitters. This is called “RF Exposure”.
(a) Reference Documents
The documents applicable here are:
[1] US Code of Federal Regulations, in particlar the policies, guidelines and requirements in Part 1 of
Title 47 of the CFR. See (
[2] Guidelines and recommendations for evaluating compliance contained in FCC Bulletin 65
[3] Safety Code 6 on the Health Canada Website www.hc-sc.gc/ca/
(b) Recommended separation distance
The radio terminal and antenna should always be mounted in such a way as to prevent human exposure
to radio-frequencies, by ensuring that the following minimum safety distances are observed: Safety
Distance = 1 metre on boresight. The antennas MUST be positioned to ensure that a minimum
separation distance of 1 metre on antenna boresight is maintained between the installer or user and the
antennas. The antennas MUST be positioned to ensure that no human being could be reasonably
expected to come within 1 metre of the antenna during normal operation of the radio equipment.