Operation Manual

Tuner Button
Your Mustangamplifier has a built-in Tuner mode that turns
the control panel LEDs into a chromatic guitar tuner.
To use the tuner:
1. Press and hold the TAP button for 2 seconds. The TAP and
EXIT buttons will illuminate.
2. Strike any single string on your guitar and watch the panel
LEDs. The Preset LEDs are used to indicate the note of the
string being tuned (the top LED "#" indicates if the note is
3. Turn the tuning peg on your guitar until the fine tuning
LEDs above the MOD knob indicate the string is in tune, as
shown above.
4. Standard guitar tuning is as follows:
5. Press EXIT or TAP to exit from the Tuner.
Save Button
Your Mustang amplifier gives you the powerful
ability to save every setting on the amplifier as
part of a preset. When you select a preset, the level of each
knob, including effect selections, is instantly recalled to your
pre-programmed settings!
The SAVE button will light up red when you turn any
programmable knob on the amplifier. This indicates that you
have temporarily modified the preset. You can reset your
modifications simply by selecting a different preset and then
back again.
The EXIT button will not cancel changes to the current
preset. Only by selecting a different preset using the
PRESET knob will your temporary changes be erased.
To save a preset:
1. To save a preset you must first modify an existing preset
by turning any of the programmable knobs, such as GAIN
or MOD. (once the SAVE button is illuminated, you can
proceed to step 2).
2. Press the SAVE button. The SAVE and EXIT buttons should
be flashing rapidly. You can press EXIT at this point to
cancel the save process.
3. Turn the PRESET knob to select a preset to overwrite.
You can only overwrite the red and green banks of the
amplifier type that you started from (if you started by
modifying the amber bank, you must select either the red
or green bank to overwrite).
You can modify the AMBER bank of presets by using
your computer and Fende FUSE™ software available
at www.fender.com/support.
Aux / Phones Jacks
Auxiliary Input
You can use the Auxiliary jack to input audio into your
Mustang amplifier for accompaniment. Connect the
headphone output on your CD player or MP3 player to the
AUX jack using a mini-stereo cable. Use the volume control
on your player, together with the MASTER volume knob, to
adjust the auxiliary volume level.
Phones Jack
Plug in your headphones, ear buds, or powered speakers to
enjoy the Mustang's stereo features. This jack may also be
used as a stereo recording output. The amp's internal speaker
is muted when the PHONES jack is used.
Letters next to LEDs indicate the note being tuned
3 LEDs indicate fine tuning. GREEN means "in tune"
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