User's Manual

- 26 digit hexadecimal values in the range of “A-F” and “0-9”. (e.g.
Create Keys with Pass-phrase
A Pass-phrase can be entered which is used as a “seed” to randomly generate the
four keys. This saves considerable time since the same keys must be entered into
each node on the wireless network.
Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4
These four fields can be used to manually enter the keys. This may be necessary if
you wish this node to match keys which is set in a different vendor product. These
fields also display the keys when they are generated using a Pass-phrase.
Use WEP key
This field updates the driver with the four keys displayed in Key1 through Key4.
These keys are also written to the registry for permanent storage.
3. Survey Tab
The Survey tab supports powerful Site-Survey tool to discovery all active
wireless devices in the radio range. While selecting this wireless device displayed
on the screen, users can press “Connect” button to quick connect the wireless
device chosen by users and simultaneously modify the “Default” profile
automatically. If users want to update the survey result, they can press “Rescan
button again. Each row of the information contains the following columns: