
Revised 6/03
1. Operation Principle
The sensing material in TGS gas sensors is metal
oxide, most typically SnO2. When a metal oxide
crystal such as SnO2 is heated at a certain high
temperature in air, oxygen is adsorbed on the crystal
surface with a negative charge. Then donor electrons
in the crystal surface are transferred to the adsorbed
oxygen, resulting in leaving positive charges in a
space charge layer. Thus, surface potential is formed
to serve as a potential barrier against electron flow
(Figure 1).
Inside the sensor, electric current flows through the
conjunction parts (grain boundary) of SnO2 micro
crystals. At grain boundaries, adsorbed oxygen
forms a potential barrier which prevents carriers from
moving freely. The electrical resistance of the sensor
is attributed to this potential barrier. In the presence
of a deoxidizing gas, the surface density of the
negatively charged oxygen decreases, so the barrier
height in the grain boundary is reduced (Figures 2
and 3). The reduced barrier height decreases sensor
The relationship between sensor resistance and the
concentration of deoxidizing gas can be expressed
by the following equation over a certain range of gas
Rs = A[C]
where: Rs = electrical resistance of the sensor
A = constant
[C] = gas concentration
α = slope of Rs curve
Fig. 1 - Model of inter-grain potential barrier
(in the absence of gases)
Fig. 2 - Scheme of the reaction between CO and adsorbed
oxygen on SnO2
Fig. 3 - Model of inter-grain potential barrier
(in the presence of gases)

Summary of content (1 pages)