User's Manual

Table Of Contents
4.2.4 Express Card slot
On the top right side of the Computing platform , under the specifically designated rubber
door, there is a slot for Express Card 34 devices.
Several types of peripherals are
supported by the standard ( Phone cards,
Storage media, etc.).
After opening the door, you need to
gently insert the device till you feel that
the slide in movement becomes
contrasted and then reaches the end.
Warning: The IP 21
performance requires
that the Express Card
door is fully closed. When
there is
an external
ExpressCard34 based
device inserted, the NGP1
Computing Platform is
losing its IP21 grade.
When connecting external equipments to the LAN jack , follow the IEC
60601-1-1 requirements
in order to guarantee patient or bystander
Verify the current leakages