User's Manual

UM-0821 34
o Apply Changes: as it is said above, this link is used to load changes to the
Signal Booster, in configuration, tag, IP, password and date and time
menus. After any configuration change, web page will show and icon that
allows user to know if configuration has been successfully applied:
o Reload Settings: clicking this link, Signal Booster configuration data is
Version: shows hardware, firmware and software versions of Signal Booster and
serial number.
3.3. RF parameters description
“Status” menu shows whole RF configuration and monitoring data, that are distributed along the
The first frame called “CONTROL” is placed in top of webpage, showing general configuration of
Signal Booster. Below this, some frames titled “CHANNEL 1”, “CHANNEL 2”... . There is one for
each active channel, and configuration and status information related to each channel can be
viewed. Next figures show these frames:
General control frame. There are four sub-sections inside this frame: