User's Manual Part 1

Firetide - Reliable Connectivity Anywhere 17 February 2011
RF Management
Basic and Advanced RF Management settings are similar, but Advanced allows you to congure settings per Group.
Automatic WLAN Healing increases the transmit power of nearby Access Points to cover for an AP losing connection to the con-
troller, or other loss. It works by periodically looking at the radio neighborhood maps and detecting any changes happening in
the maps. This feature can be congured to wait for a specied time before any transmit power changes are done on neighbor-
ing Access Points to avoid short intermittent changes happening owing to surrounding environment. Conguration also allows
selecting the number of neighboring Access Points which should increase Transmit power to cover for the down Access Point.
This feature is congured per Security Prole group and runs between the access points in the same group.
Maximum neighbors to participate in Self-Healing: Maximum Number of neighboring access points which increase or de-
crease power to cover for a failing Access Point. Selecting “0” disables this feature. The number
of neighbors to participate in healing should not be very large. Three to four usually sufces in
most deployments. This avoids too many access points located close to increase power for a single
failed Access Point.
Self healing wait time after AP failure (in mins): Number of minutes to validate i.e. wait before conrming a failed Access
Point and increasing transmit Power to cover the area. Self healing wait time should be congured
to a value greater than AP reboot time usually two minutes. This allows for uctuations in the
power of nearby Access Points when Access Points are rebooted.
Radio On-Off Times
Radio On Settings can be set for the unit as a whole, or per Group.
Current Time: Enter the correct current time. If NTP service is enabled, this eld displays the local time.
Schedule Radio On/Off: Enables and disables this feature.
Schedule at: Species the time.
Schedule On: Species the days of the week.
Duration: Species the length of on time.