User's Manual Part 2

Firetide - Reliable Connectivity Anywhere 27 February 2011
Basic and Advanced - Rate Limiting
The Rate Limiting feature can be congured differently for each BSSID in security prole group. Rate limiting is done per BSSID
and is congured as a percentage of available bandwidth. Available bandwidth is determined by the number of errors occurring
during transmission and the amount of time a packet spends in the transmission queue.
The available bandwidth is distributed among the BSSIDs congured on the Access Points as a specied percentage. The per-
centage congured for a BSSID is shared among all the clients connected to it. The total of the percentages distributed among
the BSSIDs can be up to 100%.
Rate Limiting can be disabled by setting the limit to 0%. This can be useful for having BSSIDs for management/administration/
Rate Limit: The slider bar and value specify congured rate limit values.