User's Manual Part 1

14 HotPoint 5000 User Guide January 2011
Wireless - Basic and Advanced
Wireless Settings for Basic and Advanced are similar; except that Advanced allows you to congure settings per Group.
Wireless Mode: This option is enabled when Channel Allocation is disabled. In addition to the default 802.11ng
mode, you can also choose 802.11b or 802.11bg. In 802.11bg mode, both 802.11n and 802.11g
compliant devices can be used with the AP. If you select this option and other settings on this
screen are disabled, select the Turn Radio On radio button to enable options on this screen.
Data Rate: This conguration species the rate of data frames from AP towards clients. Selecting any value
other than best means that the rate will adapt up to the congured rate. Selecting a lower rate is
helpful in scenarios where the radio environment is very noisy resulting in high bit errors. A lower
rate may impact data throughput negatively.
Channel Width (11n): This congures the width of operation of the selected channel and is valid only in 802.11ng or
802.11na modes. The default value is 40 MHz. A wider channel improves the performance, but some
legacy devices can only operate on either 20 MHz.
Guard Interval (11n): This is the interval between two consecutive symbols in a radio transmission. Legacy devices
(802.11b or 802.11g) operate with a long guard interval while 802.11n devices can move between
short and long. The default is Auto. Firetide recommends leaving this setting at Auto.
RTS Threshold: If the packet size is equal to or less than this threshold, the data frame is transmitted immediately.
If the size is larger than the specied value, then the transmitter must send out an RTS packet, and
then must wait for the receiving station to send back a CTS before sending the actual packet data.
Fragmentation Length: This is the maximum packet size used for fragmentation. Packets larger than this size will be frag-
mented. The Fragment Threshold value must be larger than the RTS Threshold value.
Beacon Interval: Sets the time period between transmissions of the AP beacon signal.
Aggregation Length: Species the maximum permitted length of aggregated frames.
AMPDU: Enables aggregation of several MAC frames into a single large frame to achieve higher throughput.
Enabling AMPDU may sometimes lead to better network performance.
RIFS Transmission: Enables Reduced Interframe Space option. Enabling RIFS may lead to better network performance.
DTIM Interval: This sets the desired Delivery Trafc Indication Message or the data beacon rate. It indicates the
message period in multiples of beacon intervals. This value must be between 1 and 255.
Preamble Type: Long transmit preambles provide a more reliable connection or longer range. Short transmit pre-
amble gives better performance. Auto handles both long and short preambles. The default is Auto.
Access Point Channel: Each Managed Access Point channel can be individually selected. The Access Point mode is either
set to the one enabled for the group, or, if the selected mode is not available on the Access Point,
to the mode providing highest performance.