User's Manual Part 2

Firetide - Reliable Connectivity Anywhere 23 January 2011
Proles are the basic building blocks of HotPoint AP congurations. They represent the settings of a virtual machine that can be in-
stantiated on any HotPoint unit. Proles are a set of conguration that can be applied onto an AP. These congurations include radio
parameters, load balancing and rate limit parameters. Each access point under the control of the FWC2050 is capable of supporting 8
proles per radio, or 16 proles in total.
Small Networks
For small scale WLAN networks, you can use the basic conguration, and you don’t need to create additional prole groups. All APs
will belong to the same group and have the same conguration.
Larger Networks
For larger deployments, comprised of different sets of WLAN networks, you will need to use the advanced prole option. Under the
Advanced proles tab, you can create, edit, and delete prole groups. Editing a prole group will take the user to a prole edit page
similar to the one under basic setting.
The Delete button, at the bottom of the screen, will delete the selected prole.
Once the creation of the proles are done, you can go to the Conguration->WLAN Network page to assign prole groups to the APs.
For ease of use, during a prole add, an option is given to the user to clone a prole. Cloning of a prole copies all the settings except
the name and SSID.
Conguration templates for Authentication Server Settings in case of LDAP/Radius and MAC ACL list conguration needs to be done
separately in their respective pages under Security. Once done, you can assign one of the created security proles to a particular prole.
Prole Groups
Complex deployments may require multiple sets of proles. Groups are a way of managing large numbers of proles. The controller sup-
ports conguration of up to 8 distinct set of grouped proles. Each prole group can contain up to 16 proles. You can congure these
proles and prole groups without worrying about the state of the APs. Once the APs connect to the controller these prole congura-
tion will be pushed onto the AP. This is the method used to congure the WLAN network ofine and then push the conguration once
the WLAN network is up and running.
Two groups are dened by default. Additional groups can be created by clicking on the + tab next to the groups, in the Conguration
- Prole - Advanced - Radio section, as shown below.