User's Manual

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Comprehensive Operating Manual & Guide to Metal Detecting
Comprehensive Operating Manual & Guide to Metal Detecting
The All Metal Mode is more sensitive and offers better feel than the Discrimination Mode, and
is used to find all metal objects present in the ground. The searchcoil must be in motion for
objects to be detected. This is a single filter search mode similar to the “fast autotune”,
“SAT”, or “P4” mode found in other detectors you might already be familiar with.
SENSITIVITY This controls the electronic gain, and is adjustable from 1 to 99. In the
presence of electrical interference, high ground mineralization, or variable ground
mineralization, operation will usually be too noisy (wobbly and erratic sound from the speaker)
if the sensitivity is set too high. At settings above 90, the internal circuit noise of the machine
will probably be audible. The sensitivity level setting is largely a matter of personal
preference. However, if you cannot hear at least some noise, the smallest or deepest objects
will not be detected.
HUM LEVEL This is the same thing that some manufacturers call audio threshold. It is
adjustable from -9 to +9. For maximum ability to hear the weakest signals, adjust this
background hum level high enough so that it is barely audible while the detector is in use in
the field. To eliminate the weakest signals, adjust the hum level into the negative region,
which will allow the machine to run silently if the Sensitivity is not set too high.
The hum level changes slightly with each detent step on the
Settings knob. Each number on
the hum level numeric readout corresponds to five steps.
Manual Ground Cancellation can only be performed while in the All Metal Mode, but the
resultant setting will carry over if you change into Discrimination Mode. See the previous
section on Ground Cancellation for instructions on how to use this feature.
The Discrimination Mode is used to eliminate from detection trash metal objects such as nails,
aluminum foil, or pull-tabs. The searchcoil must be in motion for metal objects to be detected.
Discrimination incurs some loss of sensitivity to small or deep objects.
This controls the electronic gain, and is adjustable from 1 to 99. Unlike the All Metal Mode, the
Discrimination Mode is designed to operate silently. If you hear noise when there is no metal present
or when the searchcoil is not in motion, reduce the Sensitivity setting until the machine goes quiet.
NOTE: there is no interaction between the sensitivity settings of the All Metal and
Discrimination Modes.
This is adjustable from 0 to 80, and controls the range of objects to be eliminated from
detection (silenced, discriminated out or rejected). Objects with numeric values below the
selected discrimination level will not be detected.
NOTE: the numerical range that pertains to
each class of object is printed at the top of the visual display. To eliminate iron, a setting of 40
is usually about right. A setting of 80 will eliminate aluminum trash and zinc pennies, but
nickels will also be lost.
TIP & TECHNIQUES (continued)
The T
’s other # OF TONES selections have a reputation for lightning-fast response over
targets, with the result that the duration of the sound over a good target can be very short,
especially in a trashy area.
bP lengthens the duration of the target’s sound. Many users will
find this audio feedback less fatiguing.
bP makes it easier to listen through the trash clutter to hear good targets. Whereas in 2+
slowing your sweep speed leads to a loss of sensitivity, bP and CL allow you to sweep slower,
without a loss of sensitivity.
CL is primarily for locating large, deep objects while searching with the searchcoil several
inches off the surface of the ground. It is free of the gradual threshold drift which can occur if
searching with PinPoint engaged. In general, its response is too slow for ordinary relic hunting
or coinshooting. But if you prefer a very slow sweep speed (for instance, if you are
accustomed to using the older technology of heavy and sluggish competitive detectors) you
can still achieve good results.
In areas which have been
pounded to death and were seemingly hunted out, even by the
predecessor version of the T
bP can make such sites productive again. By detecting targets
which were just out of reach of other machines, or by lengthening the duration of good sounds
that were too hard to hear amid trash sounds, old sites are again productive. If a site had been
especially productive in the past, you may want to revisit it using
CL and utilize a very slow
Most of the foregoing techniques apply both to the Discrimination Mode where the process is
selected, and to the corresponding All Metal Mode, whose response characteristics are also
modified when
bP and CL are selected.
While searching using
bP or CL, you may also want to periodically toggle back to the standard
2+ selection. Press-and-Hold the MENU button to temporarily engage 2+. For users familiar
with the T
2+ setting, bP may identify targets more accurately. Targets yielding a marginal
response in one # OF TONES setting may sound different in another setting. If you are new to
the T
, toggling back to
2+ from bP or CL, using the MENU button, can serve as a learning
tool to understand the different response characteristics of the different selections.
Pinpointing With the Trigger Switch
When you turn the T
on, the ground cancellation setting is preset to give a positive response
on nearly all soils. This means that if you are pulling the pinpoint trigger, the audio tone will
get louder as you lower the searchcoil to the ground. But you do not want to hear the ground;
you just want to hear the target. So always Ground Cancel first.
After you have discovered a buried metal target using the ALL METAL or DISCRIMINATION
Modes, use the trigger switch to pinpoint its exact location.