
L4 ks,Stain Cycles
Thereae a _ robe ofsains that need special reatmens due to hei unique composions
Some wate enpea es actually set stains rJher hart removing t]em Usethese Lif#,cyclcs_'_:o
(hocolatf, i acomplexmixureof%s proren a_dsu<#arbi_ialythf _sa_is reaudwtha
warm/h<;t;k:oi_ctivc,'_'was_tha de ve_sthe activeingredientsof he de e ge _ti_to he core
of he stain I_ffliJ£Jverr';:heni _corporatesa soakwit_ awarn was_to e u_blehe enzynes int:_e
det:ergento breakdown both he p o einsandthe fats Thecyce isthen finishedoff wth a
sprayanddeep r_se,andafas spin
{_eea<h tells us that ketchup and pata sans aretho
mostconnon taimsptorcot:h_s]his sactually
a greasy slain that takes a bi of work to emovn An
nt:nrntten soakn(_poceduehasbnen n(:udedto
get the bone i_of he enzyme,s wthn t:h__detergent:.
Thscy_e onqssofawarm/ho f_o£ctiv_ '_'wash a
warm ag ae with a soJking _ycle, a spray a_d deep
i_se, a_d a fast spin
Ths cycle s f_; those pro e / based sa/s ke blood and grass that set if they ae subjected to
warmwae fs This cycle hasacddfco/_ctiyd '_wash,warmagiae,aspayanddeepr_se,
and a %s spn.
tisinpotant o reattt'esesa /s mmediateywthsodawater lye( have t or codwae.
The F-n /Wine cyce wil finist - off ke process. Some dere gents conta n co o -sa'e bleach ]t_ey
woudbepe_ecthereas t,ehghertemperatures thef_o£cSy, _'washactvatethebeact'
Ths wash has a warr/t'ot/]o/_ct/ve _'wash wtt' a wart agi ate, a spay and deep rise and a