
deeper and wider, cover it up and go on. You
may be over a buried pipe or some other large
deep target.
12. When in doubt, dig. If your CZ-7a Pro can't
quite decide whether a target is good or bad,
dig it up.
13. Good things often come in twos. Or ever?
threes. Once you've recovered a good target,
always recheck the hole for a second signal and
carefully search the immediate area by walking
slowly around the hole two or three times,
overlapping your sweeps in an ever-widening
Always dig every suspicious sound in the vicinity
of a good find.
14. Recheck your hole even if your find was
trash. Good targets are often found beneath
bad ones.
15. Practice. Practice over known targets.
Practice ground balancing. Practice pinpointing.
Reread the appropriate part of this manual if
you're having problems.