
Pinpointing in either the Motion or Auto-Tune mode is a little
tricky since you'll lose the audio target response if you stop
moving the search coil. With practice however, you'll be able
to zero in on most targets quickly and accurately.
1. Once a buried target is indicated by the "beep"
of the Gold Bug, continue sweeping the search
coil from side-to-side in a narrower and narrower
search pattern.
2. When you have narrowed the sweep as much as
you can and still hear the target, stop the search coil.
3. Now move the coil slowly forward and then
straight back towards you a couple of times. Stop
the coil over the area where you get the strongest
4. Move the coil slowly side to side one more time,
stopping at the loudest target response.
5. Your target should be below the "Hot Spot" of
the search coil which is marked by a bulls-eye.
6. Slowly move the coil aside, keeping your eyes on
the spot where the Hot Spot was and quickly mark
the target location with your finger or digging tool.
7. For very strong signals, you may improve your
pinpointing accuracy by adding one or more of
the following steps.
a. Lift the coil until the signal is just barely heard.
b. Lower the sensitivity level.
c. Rest the coil on the ground and move it back
and forth very slowly.
8. For very weak signals try the following:
a. Move the coil closer to the ground.
b. Increase the sensitivity level (recheck your
ground adjust).
c. Speed up the sweep rate slightly.