Owner manual

Tap to open app using Near-Field Communication (NFC)
Your Force is equipped with Near-Field Communication (NFC) technology, allowing
it to interact with Android devices that support this feature.
With the screen on and unlocked, hold your Android device to your Force’s display.
You may need to adjust the location based on where your Android device’s NFC chip
is located.
After a moment, the Fitbit app will automatically open. If you haven’t opened the
Fitbit app recently, launching will automatically sync via Bluetooth.
Manual sync
To initiate a manual sync with your Force and Fitbit.com:
1. Open the Fitbit app.
2. Tap the Menu button.
3. Tap Devices.
NOTE: Make sure Use Bluetooth is checked.
4. Tap Force.
5. Tap the Sync Now icon.
Background sync
The Fitbit app also supports background sync. This setting allows your Force to sync
with your Android device while the Fitbit app is in the background or minimized.
To turn on background sync, tap the menu button > Devices > Force > Background