Benc ch IMPO ORTANT: Read R all in nstruction ns carefullly before using u thiss product. Retain this t own ner’s manu ual for futu ure referen nce. The specificatiions of thiis product may vary from this photo, su ubject to change with hout ce. notic 2804.
STOP ARRÊT ALTO PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PRODUCT TO THE STORE. STOP and contact customer service if you have any questions regarding assembly or proper operation of the machine. Email us at: Service@paradigmhw.
TABLE OF CONTE C ENT SERVICE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 L PLACEM MENT -------------------------------------------------------------- 3 LABEL IMPOR RTANT SA AFETY GU UIDELINE ES --------------------------------------- 4 OVERV VIEW DR RAWING ----------------------------------------------------------- 5 PART L LIST --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 HARDW WARE & TOOLS T PACK P --------------------------------------
SE ERVICE E IMPORTA ANT: FOR NORT TH AME ERICA ONLY O Forr damaged d or defective produ uct, questtions, replacement parts p or an ny other service s sup pport, plea ase contac ct our cus stomer serrvice depa artment by y the belo ow method ds: Fo or The Best Service S , pleas se Ema ail: se ervice@ @parad digmhw Res sponse Time: 1-2 Business Days D Em mailing us w with the in nformation n above w will be the best meth hod to receeive a response durring pea ak busines ss hours We ebsite:: ww ww.
3 Paradigm Health and Wellness, Inc. 1189 Jellick Ave. City of Industry CA 91748, USA materiales de este artículo se describen según las leyes. NO. DE REG VA25302 (CN) MATERIAL COMPLETAMENTE NUEVO COMPUESTO DE 100% RELLENO DE ESPUMA DE POLIURETANO. SE SANCIONARÁ LEGALMENTE A QUIENES QUITEN ESTA ETIQUETA. SOLO EL CONSUMIDOR PODRÁ QUITARLA. Paradigm Health and Wellness, Inc. 1189 Jellick Ave. City of Industry, CA 91748 USA Cette étiquette est apposée conformément aux lois Canadiennes.
IM MPORT TANT S SAFETY Y GUID DELINE ES Rea ad all insttructions carefully before as ssembling g and operating thiss productt. This unit is des signed witth optimu um safety in mind. Retain th his ownerr’s manuaal, do nott remove any safety labels s from the machine, and keep p the origin nal purcha ase receip pt for future reference. 1. Mak ke sure yo our equipment is corre ectly assem mbled befo ore you use it. 2. Be sure all sccrews, nutss, and bolts s are tighte ened prior to use. 3.
PA ARTS LIST Part # D Description n Q'ty A Main Fram me 1 B Front Sup pport Tube 1 C Front Stab bilizer 1 D Rear Stab bilizer 1 E Rear Support Tube 1 F Backrest Support Tu ube 2 G Leg Holde er 1 H Seat 1 J Backrest 1 2 Hex Bolt M8x20mm M 4 28 Hex Bolt M8x50mm M 4 29 Carriage Bolt B M8x60 0mm 4 30 Hex Bolt M12xL90 M 1 60 Flat Wash her Ø12xØ Ø24x2 4 61 Spring Wa asher Ø8 13 62 Flat Wash her Ø8xØ1 6x1.
AS SSEMB BLY ST TEP 1 A. Rest the Bench on its rightt side and d comple etely pull out o the P Pin (105) from the bracket o on the Ma ain Fram me (A). B. Pull the F Front Support Tu ube (B) o outwards and completely re einsert the Pin (10 05) into the ffirst hole on o the brracket of Main Fra ame (A).
AS SSEMB BLY Tools: 19mm m Wrench h 2pcs TEP 2 ST A. Installing I tthe Front Stabilizerr: Lift up th he Front Su upport Tube (B), annd then alig gn the Fron nt Sta abilizer (C)) holes with h the holes s on the fro ont curve of o the Fron nt Supportt Tube (B). The squa are hole es of the F Front Stabilizer (C) should s poin nt towards the floor. Insert I two Carriage Bolts B (29) thro ough the Front Stabiilizer (C) and a Front S Support Tube T (B) un ntil the boltts reach th hrough.
AS SSEMB BLY TEP 3 ST A. Installing I tthe Leg Holder: The ere are fou ur holes do own the Fro ont Suppo ort Tube (B B). They are for height leve els. Pick on ne of the holes and in nsert the th hreaded en nd of the R Round Kno ob (106) allong with h one Spring Washe er (61) and d one Flat W Washer (6 64) through h the back side. Align n the Leg Hollder (G) to o the protru uding threa aded shaft of Round Knob (106 6).
ADJUSTME ENTS 105 Ad djusting g the Fro ont Sup pport Tu ube Pull the Pin (10 05) out from m the Main Frame (A) and swing the t Front Support S Tub be (B) into one of the follo owing positions: a. Posittion P1 give es a flat and d level seat for working out. b. Posittion P2 give es an incline ed seat for w working outt. c. Posittion P3 is fo or folding up p the Bench h for storage e.
ADJ JUSTMENTS Ad djusting g the Ba ackrest sh the Bac ckrest (J) upwards u to o lift the Re ear Suppo ort Tube (E E) off of thee tabs that run along the Pus rear shaft of the Main Frame (A). Then genttly lower th he Backres st (J) whilee guiding the Rear Sup pport Tube e (E) back into the ne ew tab heig ght so thatt your back krest anglee is adjuste ed. There are a six different ad djustmentss: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
ADJUSTME ENTS Tools: J 19mm m Wrench 2pcs 2 76 13,,19mm Wrrench ↻ ↻ 7 76 19m mm 13 - 19m mm Wrench h Lo oose Ba ackrest If the Backrestt (J) feels lo oose, shiftin ng side to siide use the two include ed 19mm W Wrenches to o tighten the e Nylo be tightened at the sam on Nuts (76 6). The Nylon Nuts (76) need to b me time, soo use the tw wo 19 mm Wre enches at the same tim me.
TRANS SPORT TATION N C 13 33 Tra ansporting g when the e bench is s set up: Lift up the Fro ont Stabilizer (C) un ntil the whe eels on the e Wheel End E Caps (133) mak ke contact with the ground, th hen move the t bench to your de sired locattion. H 133 Tra ansporting g In Storag ge Mode: Lift up the be ench by ho olding the Seat (H) u until the wheels w on the t Wheell End Cap ps (133) make m con ntact with th he ground,, then mov ve the bencch to your desired loc cation.
WA ARRAN NTY MA ANUFACTU URER’S LIIMITED WA ARRANTY Y Parradigm He ealth & We ellness wa arrants to tthe original purchas ser that th his produc ct is free frrom deffects in m material and a workm manship w when use ed for the e purposee intended, under the con nditions th hat it has been insttalled and d operated d in accordance witth Paradig gm’s Owner’s Man nual.
PART TS REQ QUEST Pa aradigm m Health & Wellness, In nc. EM MAIL TH HIS FOR RM WITH H YOUR R RECEIPT OF PURCH HASE TO O Se ervice@ @parad digmhw w.