User Guide

Once the basic Gazelle workout is comfortable for you, interval training offers the
opportunity for greater workout variety, cardiovascular benefits and increased calorie
burning. Interval training means alternating short periods of higher intensity gliding
(the “power glides” demonstrated in your video), with periods of lower intensity gliding.
When you perform the high intensity exercises, you will work at a level that is at the
high end of your Target Heart Rate Zone. The lower intensity exercises are at the low
end of your Target Heart Rate.
Monitor your estimated heart rate throughout your workout. It can help you
determine the level of exertion that may be most appropriate for you, and serve
as a good measure of your progress toward improved fitness.
Beginners can use interval training to simply alternate periods of moderate gliding
with rest periods of easy gliding. If you are having difficulty completing 20 minutes
of non-stop gliding, work for 3 or 4 minutes then rest with a very small glide for
1 minute. Repeat this until your 15 - 20 minutes are complete.
For an interactive Gazelle workout, use Tony Little's one-on-one
Personal Trainer Video that comes with your unit.
There are three variables that will help you control the intensity of
your Gazelle workout and keep your heart rate at a safe and
appropriate level:
The range of motion of your legs and arms. A wider glide will be higher
intensity than a small or narrow glide. Gliding with your knees in a neutral or
straight position is easier than gliding with your knees bent in a low position.
Your hand position. A high or low hand grip will allow your arms or legs to
alternately work harder. A neutral or middle hand grip will be easier than a high
grip because the legs and arms will share the workload evenly.
The speed at which you glide. As you glide at faster tempos your effort will
increase. Slowing down the tempo at any time will make your workout easier.
Cool Down
Towards the end of the aerobic and muscle toning phase of your workout, return to
a basic glide movement and gradually slow down the range of motion and tempo. Step
off your unit and complete your workout with some gentle stretches as demonstrated in
your video. This allows your heart rate to drop gradually back toward its normal
resting rate.
Stand upright on the foot platforms with your hands in
the neutral position. Your knees should be “soft,” not
locked. Glide your feet back and forth in a controlled
manner. The front of each foot platform should glide
slightly past the base of the unit frame. Push and pull
gently with your arms to assist the leg motion. Maintain
good, upright posture throughout this exercise, with
your shoulders aligned directly over your hips. This
exercise can be performed with the neutral, low or
high hand grip positions.
Start with a Basic Glide movement. Gradually increase
the length of your stride as far as you comfortably can.
Your heels will naturally lift slightly as each leg moves to
the back. Do not attempt to keep your heel pressed to
the foot platform, but allow this lifting motion to occur.
Maintain good, upright posture throughout this exer-
cise, and a “soft” knee position. Glide only as wide as
you can while maintaining good balance and posture.
This exercise can be performed with the neutral or low
hand grip positions.
Please note: There are additional exercises shown on your workout video.
On the following pages are eight exercises that will comprise your basic Gazelle workout.
Before performing any of the exercises, first read through these instructions and refer to
your video for correct exercise execution. You can also refer to the videos for variations of
these eight exercises and for additional exercises.
When you are ready to begin your workout, be sure your equipment is set up correctly
and you’ve warmed up adequately as demonstrated in the video. Then begin with the
first exercise and continue through all of the exercises in one continuous cycle, unless you
need to take a break. We recommend that you perform 20 - 40 gliding repetitions of each
exercise. A single repetition is counted when both legs have glided forward and back
(R + L = 1 repetition). Take time to cool down and stretch at the end of your workout.
Remember, you will notice that your feet shift a little bit when using your Gazelle. It is
recommended that beginners keep their toes against the toe plate until they feel
comfortable with their balance.
Be sure to drink plenty of water before,
during and after your workout.