User Guide

Stretches can help improve flexibility and relieve the tightness in muscles that results
from repetitive sport movements. 10 to 12 minutes of daily stretching is recommended.
This should be done when warming up and cooling down. When performing these
stretches, your movements should be slow and smooth, with no bouncing or jerking.
Move into the stretch until you feel a slight tension, not pain, in the muscle and hold
the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds. Breathe slowly and rhythmically. Be sure not to hold
your breath. Remember that all stretches must be done for both sides of your body.
1. Quadriceps Stretch
Stand close to a wall, chair or other solid object. Use one hand
to assist your balance. Bend the opposite knee and lift your
heel towards your buttocks. Reach back and grasp the top of
your foot with the same side hand. Keeping your
inner thighs close together, slowly pull your foot towards
your buttocks until you feel a gentle stretch in the front of
your thigh. You do not have to touch your buttocks with
your heel. Stop pulling when you feel the stretch. Keep your
kneecap pointing straight down and keep your knees close
together. (Do not let the lifted knee swing outward.)
Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat for the other leg.
2. Calf and Achilles Stretch
Stand approximately one arms length away from a
wall or chair with your feet hip-width apart. Keeping
your toes pointed forward, move one leg in close to
the chair while extending the other leg behind you.
Bending the leg closest to the chair and keeping the
other leg straight, place your hands on the chair.
Keep the heel of the back leg on the ground and
move your hips forward. Slowly lean forward from
the ankle, keeping your back leg straight until you
feel a stretch in your calf muscles. Hold for 20 to 30
seconds. Repeat for the opposite leg.
3. Overhead/Triceps Stretch
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees
slightly bent. Lift one arm overhead and bend your elbow,
reaching down behind your head with your hand toward
the opposite shoulder blade. Walk your fingertips down
your back as far as you can. Hold this position. Reach up
with your opposite hand and grasp your flexed elbow.
Gently assist the stretch by pulling on the elbow. Hold for
20 to 30 seconds. Repeat for the opposite arm.
Your Gazelle comes with added resistance. Once you have reached your maximum
benefits with no resistance, you may progress to a more efficient workout with
To engage resistance, simply lift the cylinders towards the top of the Swing Arms and
slide rod bushing onto the mounting stud. Be sure to push the bushing to the inside
of the stud (see Assembly Instructions).
To help prevent over-extended strides, the unit has been equipped with a stride limiter.
The limiter will stop the foot platform from moving past a certain point. During normal
use of the unit, the foot platform should not come into contact with the stride limiter.
If the unit is being used in an excessive or uncontrolled manner, however, the foot
platform may be contacted. If this occurs, the forward motion of the foot platform
will be abruptly stopped and may cause you to fall resulting in serious injury. Therefore,
it is important that you always use a controlled stride and gradually increase your
stride length.
To determine how far the foot platforms will move before coming into contact with
the stride limiter, you should stand on the side of the unit where indicated by the
arrow below and slowly pull back on the handlebar closest to you. The handlebar will
stop moving forward once it reaches the stride limiter. Slowly return the handlebar to
its original position.
Hands Free (Advanced Position)
Stand in an upright position on the foot platforms with your hands
on the front crossbar. When you feel balanced, release your hands
from the crossbar and bring them into a bent elbow position at
your sides as if you were running or power walking. Practice this
position with your feet stationary, then progress to a "Basic Glideā€.
WARNING: Exercising without holding onto the handlebars
poses a risk of losing your balance and falling, resulting in
possible serious injury, and should be done with care.
WARNING: Exercising in an
uncontrolled manner that
causes the foot platform to
strike the stride limiter poses a
risk of an abrupt stop, losing
your balance and falling,
resulting in possible serious
injury. Always use a controlled
stride and gradually increase
your stride.