User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Page 37
Chapter 10. Verifying the Installation
Verifying the proper installation of the cabinet is done in two parts:
1. Verifying the physical installation
2. Verifying the BaseStation operation
All items listed must be verified before the installation can be considered complete.
10.1. Ve rifying the Physical Installation
Verify the following:
1. Clearance requirements are met at least 24” front and 6” rear. There must be room to
open the cabinet doors for service.
2. The base station is powered up. All the LEDs in Table 8.1 Power On Expected LEDs must
reflect the states listed in the table. The system should remai
is necessary to power down the base station, do so only in accordance with the instructions
in Chapter 9. Powering Down the Cabinet .
3. Correct terminations on all T1 and alarm cables
4. No crimps in RF cables
5. RF cable markings match those specified in Chapter 6. Connecting the Antennas Cables.
10.2. Verifying the Base Station Operation
Operation of the base station is verified by logging in and confirming communication with the
network. This verifies both the base station operation and the connectivity of the T1/Ethernet link.
Procedure 10-1 Communicating with the Core Network
Connect a PC to the serial port of the MCU.
Run a terminal emulator such as Microsoft Window HyperTerminal.
At the
prompt, type
and press Enter.
At the
prompt, type the install login password and press Enter.
You should see status messages ending in the message
The system is Up at the required run level 4
The system should respond with the
prompt. This confirms t
hat the base
station is at least minimally operational.
BaseStation Installation Guide Draft
Version 0.5 - © 2003
Page 37