User's Manual

Before You Begin User's Guide
Page 1-10
1.6 The Six System Buttons
The SAS (Alt+Ctrl+Del) Button
Press this switch to emulate Windows’ “Alt”, “Ctrl” and “Del” buttons pressed
The Display Rotation Button
Press this button to rotate the image displayed on the LCD screen. Screen image
would rotate by an angle of 90 degree each time when this button is pressed.
The Mobility Center Button
Press this button to enter the menu of Windows Mobility Center in Windows
Vista™ operating system.
Wireless LAN/ Bluetooth® Button
Press this button to power on and power off both the Wireless LAN and
Bluetooth® modules. Powering on the Wireless LAN and Bluetooth® by
pressing this button does not automatically activate the Wireless LAN and
Bluetooth® functions. After powering on, you need to activate the Wireless
LAN and Bluetooth® functions through Windows™. The main purpose of this
button is to provide you a quick way to turn off the power of Wireless LAN and
Bluetooth® when entering venues like airplanes, airports, and hospitals where
the usage of Wireless LAN and Bluetooth® are prohibited or not advisable.
The Enter Button
Press this button to emulate the function of “Enter”.
The Backspace Button
Press this button to emulate the function of “Back Space”.
Note: The Six System Buttons are located near the bottom of LCD display. For exact
location, please refer to the Panoramic View diagram in Chapter 1.2.