User's Manual

User’s Guide Appendix A
Page A-9
For devices with built-in wireless equipment, the following additional standards apply:
x ETSI301489-17: General Emissions for Radio Equipment
x EN60950: Safety
x ETSI300328-2: Technical Requirements for Radio Equipment
CE Caution: Due to the fact that the frequencies used by 802.11b/802.11g wireless
LAN devices may not yet be harmonized in all countries, 802.11b/802.11g products are
designed for use only in specific countries or regions, and are not allowed to be operated in
countries or regions other than those of designated use. As a user of these products, you are
responsible for ensuring that the products are used only in the countries or regions for
which they were intended and for verifying that they are configured with the correct
selection of frequency and channel for the country or region of use. And deviation from
permissible settings and restrictions in the country or region of use could be an
infringement of local law and may be punished as such.
The wireless LAN device can currently be used indoors only in the following departments
of mainland France.
01 Ain 36 Indre 69 Rhône
02 Aisne 37 Indre et Loire 70 Haute Saône
03 Allier 39 Jura 71 Saône et Loire
05 Hautes Alpes 41 Loir et Cher 72 Sarthe
08 Ardennes 42 Loire 75 Paris
09 Ariège 45 Loiret 77 Seine et Marne
10 Aube 50 Manche 78 Yvelines
11 Aude 54 Meurthe et Moselle 79 Deux Sèvres
12 Aveyron 55 Meuse 82 Tarn et Garonne
16 Charente 57 Moselle 84 Vaucluse
19 Corrèze 58 Nièvre 86 Vienne
2A Corse Sud 59 Nord 88 Vosges
2B Haute Corse 60 Oise 89 Yonne
21 Côte d’Or 61 Orne 90 Territoire de Belfort
24 Dordogne 63 Puy du Dôme 91 Essonne
25 Doubs 64 Pyrénées Atlantique 92 Hauts de Seine
26 Drôme 65 Haute Pyrénées 93 Seine St Denis
27 Eure 66 Pyrénées Orientales 94 Val de Marne
32 Gers 67 Bas Rhin
35 Ille et Vilaine 68 Haut Rhin
The wireless LAN device cannot currently be used in any departments of mainland France
other than those listed above.