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Figure 33.6 Planckian curves plotted on semi-log scales from 100 K to 1000 K. The dotted line represents
the locus of maximum radiant emittance at each temperature as described by Wien's displacement law.
1: Spectral radiant emittance (W/cm
(μm)); 2: Wavelength (μm).
33.3.3 Stefan-Boltzmann's law
By integrating Planck’s formula from λ = 0 to λ = ∞, we obtain the total radiant
emittance (W
) of a blackbody:
This is the Stefan-Boltzmann formula (after Josef Stefan, 1835–1893, and Ludwig
Boltzmann, 1844–1906), which states that the total emissive power of a blackbody is
proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature. Graphically, W
the area below the Planck curve for a particular temperature. It can be shown that the
radiant emittance in the interval λ = 0 to λ
is only 25% of the total, which represents
about the amount of the sun’s radiation which lies inside the visible light spectrum.
174 Publ. No. T559597 Rev. a554 ENGLISH (EN) September 27, 2011
33 Theory of thermography