User's Manual

Table Of Contents
35 Emissivity tables
This section presents a compilation of emissivity data from the infrared literature and
measurements made by FLIR Systems.
35.1 References
Mikaél A. Bramson: Infrared Radiation, A Handbook for Applications, Plenum press,
William L. Wolfe, George J. Zissis: The Infrared Handbook, Office of Naval Research,
Department of Navy, Washington, D.C.
Madding, R. P.: Thermographic Instruments and systems. Madison, Wisconsin: Univer-
sity of Wisconsin Extension, Department of Engineering and Applied Science.
William L. Wolfe: Handbook of Military Infrared Technology, Office of Naval Research,
Department of Navy, Washington, D.C.
Jones, Smith, Probert: External thermography of buildings..., Proc. of the Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, vol.110, Industrial and Civil Applications of
Infrared Technology, June 1977 London.
Paljak, Pettersson: Thermography of Buildings, Swedish Building Research Institute,
Stockholm 1972.
Vlcek, J: Determination of emissivity with imaging radiometers and some emissivities
at λ = 5 µm. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing.
Kern: Evaluation of infrared emission of clouds and ground as measured by weather
satellites, Defence Documentation Center, AD 617 417.
Öhman, Claes: Emittansmätningar med AGEMA E-Box. Teknisk rapport, AGEMA 1999.
(Emittance measurements using AGEMA E-Box. Technical report, AGEMA 1999.)
Matteï, S., Tang-Kwor, E: Emissivity measurements for Nextel Velvet coating 811-21
between –36°C AND 82°C.
Lohrengel & Todtenhaupt (1996)11
ITC Technical publication 32.12
ITC Technical publication 29.13
35.2 Important note about the emissivity tables
The emissivity values in the table below are recorded using a shortwave (SW) camera.
The values should be regarded as recommendations only and used with caution.
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