User's Manual Part 2

Table Of Contents
Technical data24
Image presentation
Automatic image adjustment Continuous, histogram based
Manual image adjustment
Linear based; possible to adjust level/span/max./
Image presentation modes
Infrared image Full-color IR image
Visual image Full color visual image
Thermal MSX Thermal image with enhanced detail presentation
Picture in Picture Resizable and movable IR area on visual image
Object temperature range
–40°C to +150°C (–40°F to +302°F)
+100°C to +650°C (+212°F to +1202°F)
+300°C to +2000°C (+572°F to +3632°F)
±1°C (±1.8°F) or ±1% of reading for limited
temperature range.
±2°C (±3.6°F) or 2%, whichever is greater, at
25°C (77°F) nominal.
Measurement analysis
5 + 5 areas (boxes or circles) with max./min./aver-
age (in post-acquisition analysis)
Profile 1 line profile with max/min temp
Automatic hot/cold detection Auto hot or cold spotmeter markers within area
and profile
Measurement presets
No measurements, Center spot, Hot spot, Cold
spot, User preset 1, User preset 2
User presets (in live images) The user can select and combine measurements
from any number of available spots/boxes/circles/
Difference temperature Delta temperature between measurement func-
tions or reference temperature
Reference temperature Manually set using difference temperature
Atmospheric transmission correction Automatic, based on inputs for distance, atmos-
pheric temperature and relative humidity
Optics transmission correction Automatic, based on signals from internal sensors
Emissivity correction Variable from 0.01 to 1.0 or selected from materi-
als list
Emissivity table Emissivity table of predefined materials
Reflected apparent temperature correction Automatic, based on input of reflected
External optics/windows correction Automatic, based on inputs of window transmis-
sion and temperature
Measurement corrections Emissivity, reflected temperature, relative humidity,
atmospheric temperature, object distance, exter-
nal IR window compensation
Colors (palettes) Iron, Rainbow, Rainbow HC, White hot, Black hot,
Arctic, Lava
#T559880; r. AL/45866/46124; en-US