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The factor 10
is used since spectral emittance in the curves is expressed in
, μm.
Planck’s formula, when plotted graphically for various temperatures, produces a
family of curves. Following any particular Planck curve, the spectral emittance is zero
at λ = 0, then increases rapidly to a maximum at a wavelength λ
and after passing
it approaches zero again at very long wavelengths. The higher the temperature, the
shorter the wavelength at which maximum occurs.
Figure 34.4 Blackbody spectral radiant emittance according to Planck’s law, plotted for various absolute
temperatures. 1: Spectral radiant emittance (W/cm
× 10
(μm)); 2: Wavelength (μm)
34.3.2 Wien’s displacement law
By differentiating Planck’s formula with respect to λ, and finding the maximum, we
This is Wien’s formula (after Wilhelm Wien, 1864–1928), which expresses mathemati-
cally the common observation that colors vary from red to orange or yellow as the
temperature of a thermal radiator increases. The wavelength of the color is the same
as the wavelength calculated for λ
. A good approximation of the value of λ
a given blackbody temperature is obtained by applying the rule-of-thumb 3 000/T
Publ. No. T559598 Rev. a554 ENGLISH (EN) September 27, 2011 179
34 Theory of thermography