User's Manual

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Emissivity tables38
Table 38.1 T: Total spectrum; SW: 2–5 µm; LW: 8–14 µm, LLW: 6.5–20 µm; 1: Material; 2: Specification;
3:Temperature in °C; 4: Spectrum; 5: Emissivity: 6:Reference (continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Glass pane (float
non-coated 20 LW 0.97 14
polished 130 T 0.018 1
Gold polished, carefully
200–600 T 0.02–0.03 1
polished, highly 100 T 0.02 2
Granite polished 20 LLW 0.849 8
rough 21 LLW 0.879 8
Granite rough, 4 different
0.95–0.97 9
Granite rough, 4 different
70 LW 0.77–0.87 9
20 T 0.8–0.9 1
Ice: See Water
Iron and steel cold rolled 70
0.20 9
Iron and steel cold rolled 70 LW 0.09 9
Iron and steel covered with red
20 T 0.61–0.85 1
Iron and steel electrolytic 100 T 0.05 4
Iron and steel electrolytic 22 T 0.05 4
Iron and steel electrolytic 260 T 0.07 4
Iron and steel electrolytic, care-
fully polished
175–225 T 0.05–0.06 1
Iron and steel freshly worked
with emery
20 T 0.24 1
Iron and steel ground sheet 950–1100 T 0.55–0.61 1
Iron and steel heavily rusted
20 T 0.69 2
Iron and steel hot rolled 130 T 0.60 1
Iron and steel hot rolled 20 T 0.77 1
Iron and steel oxidized 100 T 0.74 4
Iron and steel oxidized 100 T 0.74 1
Iron and steel oxidized 1227 T 0.89 4
Iron and steel oxidized 125–525 T 0.78–0.82 1
Iron and steel oxidized 200 T 0.79 2
Iron and steel oxidized 200–600 T 0.80 1
Iron and steel oxidized strongly 50 T 0.88 1
Iron and steel oxidized strongly 500 T 0.98 1
Iron and steel polished 100 T 0.07 2
Iron and steel polished 400–1000 T 0.14–0.38 1
Iron and steel polished sheet 750–1050 T 0.52–0.56 1
Iron and steel rolled sheet 50 T 0.56 1
Iron and steel rolled, freshly
20 T 0.24 1
Iron and steel rough, plane
50 T 0.95–0.98 1
Iron and steel rusted red, sheet 22 T 0.69 4
Iron and steel rusted, heavily 17
0.96 5
#T810253; r. AA/42549/42549; en-US