
Pallets shall have at least 2 bulk-labels, mentioning:
Purchase order number
Article number
Product description
Amount of packs on the pallet
Each pack can have a maximum of 30% in split lengths with a minimum of 60 cm long.
Under oor heating and cooling
Installing a Solidoor oor in combination with under oor heating and cooling can be easily achieved and will ensure your home is as
comfortable as possible. When installing a wooden oor in combination with under oor heating and cooling you must, however, follow
a number of specic guidelines
Wood is a natural product and reacts to the conditions of the room in which it is installed. Shrinkage or cracking can occur when the
humidity is too low. The best condition for a wooden oor is a relative air humidity of between 40% and 65%. Shrinkage may occur
when the relative air humidity is lower making the use of a humidier a requirement. Despite these measures, there is a small chance
that gaps, cracks or checks may occur when under oor heating is used especially in the winter, or when the relative air humidity is low.
CE marking
All produced Solidoor engineered ooring complies with the requirements of EN14342:2005+A1:2008. This is evidenced by the fact
that each pack is marked with the CE logo conrming conformity to the norm.
Originals by Solidoor ORIGINALS Veneto