User's Manual

User Manual FloPatch FP120 Rev 1.0
The following table displays the workflow of changing assessment states:
Triggered by Button
Minimum Duration of State
Ended by Button
30 seconds
30 seconds
No time limit
When the Assess Blood Flow screen first opens, the only selectable button is 7a,
Collect Baseline
When in the baseline or assessment state, the user must wait a minimum of 30 seconds before
being able to select the button to continue to the following state.
4. The
Waveform Display Scale
allows the user to increase or decrease the scale of the x-axis (time)
on the waveform display
5. The
Waveform Display
covers the upper half of the screen and is a large plot where the incoming
information from the FloPatch is graphed in real time. The waveform streams from the left side of
the screen to the right with a scrolling axis. The waveform itself is displayed in red when in FWD
mode and blue when in REV mode.
6. The
button clears all information in the waveform display (5) and the characteristics display
(9) and restarts the streaming from the FloPatch.
7. The
Assessment State
button group controls the assessment state (3) of the iOS application. There
are three buttons in the assessment state button group:
7a. Collect Baseline
7b. Begin Assessment
7c. End Assessment
The assessment state buttons must be selected in a sequential manner, with Collect Baseline being
the only button initially selectable. Once selected, a minimum of 30 seconds of baseline must be
collected before you can select Begin Assessment. Similarly, a minimum of 30 seconds of
assessment must be collected before end assessment can be selected.
Initially selecting Collect Baseline displays the pre and post assessment sliders in the characteristics
8. The
button saves the waveform and characteristics so they can be loaded from the Saved
Assessments window (see section 6.5).
9. The
Characteristics Display
sits below the waveform display on the lower half of the screen. This
area displays the calculated metric as bars, with one bar corresponding to one heartbeat. The
Characteristics display allows the user to toggle between Max Total VTI and Corrected Flow Time
using the left and right arrow buttons.
10. The
Pre and Post Assessment
(10a and 10b) sliders appear once selecting the Collect Baseline
button. The user may slide the pre-assessment and post-assessment bars with their finger and
compare the percent change between two areas. When the percent change between two sections