User's Manual

deployed in the field. On the other hand, the FM unit must be set in Mesh End whenever it is
connected to the main cabled network where the control room (usually) resides. You will need to
input the settings of the wired network (LAN) to the FM unit that will be connected. The
default IP address of the FM unit is and the default Netmask is If
you do not know the LAN settings, contact the local network administrator before changing the
settings of the gateway.
Please remember that a Mesh End unit is always necessary for the correct mesh network operations,
even for small networks (e.g., 2 FM units).
7.7 Wireless Settings
The wireless settings menu is used to configure the radio present in the FM unit and can be
accessed by clicking on wireless radio. The wireless settings menu is available in either Basic
(Figure 7.5) or Advanced mode (Figure 7.6). The former provides the basic radio configuration
options whereas the latter can be enabled by expert users for tuning the radio channel width or using
non-standard carriers. The following wireless parameters are available:
Shared Passphrase: The shared passphrase is a shared secret that must be set in every FM unit
forming a wireless network. Any Fluidmesh device that does not have the correct passphrase will
not be able to be part of the network. Different passphrases can also be used to create separate
Fluidmesh networks in the same area and sharing the same frequencies. Passphrase secret is also
used for setting the Fluidmesh proprietary encryption secret.
Country: You need to specify the country where you will operate the unit. Different countries
have different telecommunications regulations. Setting the country properly allows you to operate
in compliance with national regulations. The available frequencies and other settings related to
the RF operation will vary based on the selected country. Choosing the wrong country/ regulatory
domain may lead to an illegal operation of the unit.
Figure 7.5: Wireless Parameters Configuration-Basic Mode