User's Manual

Vibration Meter
About Measurements
How to Save a Measurement
As you make measurements with the Meter, you can save
these measurements to memory. Quick measurements are
saved as sequential files that start at 0001. You also can
save a measurement to the current setup, an existing
setup, or give it a unique name. The Meter saves to
memory a maximum of 3,500 measurements.
If the Meter exceeds the allowable memory, it
automatically deletes old records on a first in, first
out basis.
To save a measurement:
1. Take a measurement.
2. Push to open the Save screen.
Auto Save
The Auto Save option saves the measurement to memory
with a sequential number that starts at 0001. Push
to save the measurement. The Meter indicates
the record number it is saving.
Save to Existing Setup
The Save to Existing Setup option saves the measurement
to an Existing Setup.
To save the measurement to a setup:
1. Select Save to: Existing Setup.
2. Choose the option for how to sort the machine IDs
or category.
by Name: shows a list of machine IDs in
alphabetical order.
by Category: shows a list of machine
categories in alphabetical sequence.
Last Used: shows the last machine ID
3. Highlight the machine ID.
4. Push .