User Manual

Fluke Corporation Telephone Facsimile Email
PO Box 9090 Everett WA 98206.9090 USA 425.347.6100 425.356.5108 http//
Return total Number of Bytes
01<state[1 byte unsigned int]>
Lock the unit for bulk download, or unlock it. <state>
should be 0x00 for unlock, and 0x01 for lock
02<startByte[4 byte, unsigned
int]><endByte[4 byte, unsigned int]>
System will notify back data in MTU packet sized
from start byte to end byte.
Cancel download. If data is comming in and the
master wants to stope the transfer, send this command
Notify Back: Bytes, in 1 to 18 bytes notify Chunks.
Firmware Upgrade over BLE
The TI CC254x style upgrade is based on the idea of three sections in code. First off is a
Boot Manager, which decided which image to run. This manager is never updated. The
other two sections are labeled Image A, and Image B. On Power up the Boot manger
decides which image to run. When it is time to update the device, the code in running
image allows for the other image to be erased (in other words, if Image A is running, then
you can only update Image B). Once Image B is updated and verified as good, Image A
will be tweaked so it no longer passes the CRC check. Now the boot manger will run the
newly updated Image B. On the next update, Image A will be erased, updated, and once
verified.. run.
Required Items
A Over the Air Upgrade File.
o A Image A and Image B File, can be compiled with scons via
"scons rf_module_imgA" or "scons rf_module_imgB"
System Hardware
o A CNX Style slave unit, which can put the radio into a discoverable state.
o A BLE Master device, capable to driving the process outlined below.
o RF Module with boot loader code present.
o RF Module BLE Services.
BLE Device Information Service ( UUID16 0x180A ).
Firmware Characteristic (Which Identifies the running RF Module
TI OAD ( UUID128 f000180304514000b000000000000000 )
TI - OAD Img Id Characteristic (UUID128
f000ffc104514000b000000000000000 )