Product Manual

281, 282, 284
Users Manual
amplitude: 2V
polarity: negative
cursor width: 1
The cursor/marker signal is output from the rear panel CURSOR/MARKER OUT
socket. It is used as a marker in sweep mode or as a cursor in arbitrary waveform mode. It
can be used to modulate the Z-axis of an oscilloscope or be displayed on a second
oscilloscope channel.
amplitude selected the cursor/marker level can be set between 2 and 14 V in 2
V steps. With
polarity selected the polarity can be set positive or
With polarity set to positive the cursor/marker is a positive-
going pulse from the 0 V baseline; with polarity set to
negative the cursor/marker is
a negative-going pulse from the 2 to 14V set amplitude level; i.e.
negative gives an
inverted signal.
When used as a sweep marker (with sweep mode selected) the width is determined by the
time spent at the marker frequency. See the section headed Sweep Marker in chapter 6,
Sweep for full details.
When used as a cursor during arbitrary waveform editing (with
edit waveform
selected on the MODIFY screen) the width can be adjusted by repeated presses of the
cursor width
soft-key or by using the rotary control. The width is adjustable so that
the cursor can still be made visible even with long arbitrary waveforms. The width is
always an odd number of waveform points increasing in steps of 2 points (1, 3, 5, 7, etc.).
width setting of 1 corresponds to 1 waveform point, width: 2 is 3 points,
width: 3
is 5 points and so on up to width: 30 which is 59 points.
Power On Setting
Pressing the power on… soft-key calls the POWER ON SETTING screen:
default values
restore last setup
recall store no. 1
The setting loaded can be selected with the appropriate soft key to be
default values
(the default setting), restore last setup (i.e. the settings
at power down are restored at power up) or any of the settings stored in non-volatile
memories 1 to 9. Default values restores the factory default settings, described in the
System Information
The system info… soft-key calls the SYSTEM INFO screen which shows the
instrument name and software revision. When
system info… is pressed a checksum
is also calculated on the firmware EPROM and the result displayed; this can be used
when a software fault is suspected to check that the contents of the EPROM have not
been corrupted.