Product Manual

281, 282, 284
Users Manual
Full List of Addressable RS232 Interface Control Codes
02H Set Addressable Mode.
03H Universal Unaddress control code.
04H Lock Non-Addressable mode control code.
06H Acknowledge that listen address received.
0AH Line Feed (LF); used as the universal command and response terminator.
0DH Carriage Return (CR); formatting code, otherwise ignored.
11H Restart transmission (XON).
12H Listen Address - must be followed by an address belonging to the required
13H Stop transmission (XOFF).
14H Talk Address - must be followed by an address belonging to the required
18H Universal Device Clear.
GPIB Interface
The 24-way GPIB connector is located on the instrument rear panel. The pin connections
are as specified in IEEE Std. 488.1-1987 and the instrument complies with IEEE Std.
488.1-1987 and IEEE Std. 488.2-1987.
GPIB Subsets
This instrument contains the following IEEE 488.1 subsets:
Source Handshake SH1
Acceptor Handshake AH1
Talker T6
Listener L4
Service Request SR1
Remote Local RL1
Parallel Poll PP1
Device Clear DC1
Device Trigger DT1
Controller C0
Electrical Interface E2
GPIB IEEE Std. 488.2 Error Handling
The IEEE 488.2
UNTERMINATED error (addressed to talk with nothing to say) is
handled as follows. If the instrument is addressed to talk and the response formatter is
inactive and the input queue is empty then the
UNTERMINATED error is generated.
This will cause the Query Error bit to be set in the Standard Event Status Register, a
value of 3 to be placed in the Query Error Register and the parser to be reset.
The IEEE 488.2
INTERRUPTED error is handled as follows. If the response formatter
is waiting to send a response message and a
has been read by the parser or the input queue contains more than one END message
then the instrument has been
INTERRUPTED and an error is generated. This will cause
the Query Error bit to be set in the Standard Event Status Register, a value of 1 to be
placed in the Query Error Register and the response formatter to be reset thus clearing the
output queue. The parser will then start parsing the next
from the input queue.
The IEEE 488.2
DEADLOCK error is handled as follows. If the response formatter is
waiting to send a response message and the input queue becomes full then the instrument
enters the
DEADLOCK state and an error is generated. This will cause the Query Error