Product Manual

Remote Operation
Power on Settings16
Figure 16-4. Status Model
Power on Settings
The following instrument status values are set at power on:
Status Byte Register = 0
Service Request Enable Register † = 0
Standard Event Status Register = 128 (pon bit set)
Standard Event Status Enable Register † = 0
Execution Error Register = 0
Query Error Register = 0
Parallel Poll Enable Register † = 0
† Registers marked thus are specific to the GPIB section of the instrument and are of
limited use in an RS232 environment.
The instrument will be in local state with the keyboard active.
The instrument parameters at power on are determined on the
screen accessed from the UTILITY menu. If restore last setup or
recall store no. nn
has been set and a defined state is required by the controller
at start up then the command
RST should be used to load the system defaults.
If for any reason an error is detected at power up in the non-volatile ram a warning will
be issued and all settings will be returned to their default states as for a