Product Manual

281, 282, 284
Users Manual
character and the data ends with <pmt>.
If less data is sent than the number of
points in the waveform the old data is
retained from the point where the new data
ends. If more data is sent the surplus is
ARBDEF <cpd>,<nrf>,
<bin data block>
Define a new or existing arbitrary
waveform with name
<cpd> and length
and load with the data in
<bin data block>.
If the arbitrary waveform does not exist it
will be created. If it does exist the length
will be checked against that specified and a
warning will be issued if they are different.
The edit limits will be set to the extremes
of the waveform.
The data consists of two bytes per point
with no characters between bytes or points.
The point data is sent high byte first. The
data block has a header which consists of
# character followed by several ascii-
coded numeric characters. The first of
these defines the number of ascii characters
to follow and the following characters
define the length of the binary data in
If less data is sent than the number of
points in the waveform the old data is
retained from the point where the new data
ends. If more data is sent the surplus is
This command cannot be used over the
RS232 interface since it contains a binary
data block.
Arbitrary Waveform Editing
Care should be take to ensure that all channels in the instrument are
running in
CONTINUOUS mode before using commands from this section.
Failure to observe this restriction may give unexpected results.
ARBEDLMTS <nrf1>,<nrf2> Set the limits for the arbitrary waveform
editing functions to start at
<nrf1> and
stop at
If both values are set to 0 the commands
which use them will automatically place
them at the start and end points of the
relevant waveform. This automatic mode
will remain in effect until the
ARBEDLMTS command is issued again
with nonzero values. The automatic mode
is always selected at power up.