Product Manual

Introduction and Specifications
Introduction 1
All waveforms can be swept over their full frequency range at a rate variable between
1 millisecond and 15 minutes. Sweep can be linear or logarithmic, single or continuous.
Single sweeps can be triggered from the front panel, the trigger input, or the digital
interfaces. A sweep marker is provided.
Amplitude modulation is available for all waveforms and is controlled from the previous
channel or from an external generator via the
MODULATION input socket.
Signal summing is available for all waveforms and is controlled from the previous
channel or from an external generator via the
SUM input socket.
All waveforms are available as a triggered burst, whereby each active edge of the trigger
signal will produce one burst of the carrier. The number of cycles in the burst can be set
between 1 and 1,048,575. The gated mode turns the output signal on when the gating
signal is true and off when it is false. Both triggered and gated modes can be operated
from the previous or next channel, from the internal trigger generator (0.005 Hz to
100 kHz), from an external source (dc to 1 MHz) or by a key press or remote command.
Any number of channels can be synchronized with user defined phase angle between
channels. This can be used to generate multi-phase waveforms or synchronized
waveforms of different frequencies.
The signals from the REF IN/OUT socket and the SYNC OUT socket can be used to
synchronize two instruments where more than 4 channels are required.
The generator parameters are clearly displayed on a backlit LCD with 4 rows of
20 characters. Soft-keys and sub menus are used to guide the user through even the most
complex functions.
All parameters can be entered directly from the numeric keypad. Alternatively most
parameters can be incremented or decremented using the rotary control. This system
combines quick and easy numeric data entry with quasi-analogue adjustment when
The generator has RS232, GPIB and USB interfaces as standard which can be used for
remote control of all of the instrument functions or for the down-loading of arbitrary
waveforms. As well as operating in conventional RS232 mode the serial interface can
also be used in addressable mode whereby up to 32 instruments can be linked to a single
PC serial port.