Product Manual

Introduction and Specifications
Specifications 1
Input impedance: Typically 1 k.
Sum In
Frequency range: DC to 30 MHz (25 MHz on 2- and 4-channel
Signal range: Approximately 2 V p-p input for 20 V p-p output;
maximum input ±10 V.
Input impedance: Typically 1 k.
Holds an arbitrary waveform at its current position. A TTL low level or switch closure
causes the waveform to stop at the current position and wait until a TTL high level or
switch opening which allows the waveform to continue. The front panel
key or remote command may also be used to control the hold function. The HOLD input
may be enabled independently for each channel.
Input impedance: 10 k
Maximum input: ±10 V.
Ref Clock In/Out
Set to input: Input for an external 10 MHz reference clock.
TTL/CMOS threshold level.
Set to output: Buffered version of the internal 10 MHz clock. Output
levels nominally 1 V and 4 V from 50 .
Set to phase lock: Used together with
SYNC OUT on a master and
on a slave to synchronize (phase lock) two
separate generators.
Maximum input: +5 V, -1 V
Arb Clock In/Out
Set to input: Input for external arb clock.
TTL/CMOS threshold level.
Set to output: Outputs system clock;
logic levels <0.8 V and >3 V.
Frequency range: DC to 50 MHz
Maximum input voltage: +5 V, -1 V
Inter-Channel Operation
Inter-Channel Modulation:
The waveform from any channel may be used to amplitude modulate (AM) or suppressed
carrier modulate (SCM) the next channel. Alternatively any number of channels may be
modulated (AM or SCM) with the signal at the
MODULATION input socket.
Carrier frequency: Entire range for selected waveform.
Carrier waveforms: All standard and arbitrary waveforms.
Modulation types:
Double sideband with carrier.
Double sideband suppressed carrier.