Product Manual

Triggered Burst and Gate
Triggered Burst 7
to +5·0 V by direct keyboard entry or by using the rotary control. In triggered burst mode
the input is edge sensitive; the selected edge of each external trigger initiates the specified
burst. In gated mode the input is level sensitive; the output of the main generator is on
whilst the gate signal is true.
The minimum pulse width that can be used with
TRIG IN in triggered burst and gated
modes is 50 ns and the maximum repetition rate is 1 MHz. The maximum signal level
that can be applied without damage is ±10 V.
When triggered burst or gated mode is selected the
SYNC OUT source automatically
defaults to
trigger, which is always a positive-edged version of the external trigger or
gate signal when external triggering or gating is specified.
Adjacent Channel Trigger Output
On multi-channel instruments the trigger out signal of an adjacent channel can be used as
the control signal for a triggered burst. The channel numbering ‘wraps round’, i.e.
channels 1 and 3 are obviously adjacent to channel 2 but so are channels 2 and 4 adjacent
to channel 1..
The source of the trigger out signal is selected by the
source soft-key on the
screen called by the TRIG IN key.
mode: auto
source: wfm end
The TRIGGER OUT choices are as follows:
wfm end: Waveform end; a positive-going pulse coincident with the end of
a waveform cycle (and the start of the next).
pos’n marker: Position marker; arbitrary waveforms only. Any point(s) on the
main waveform may have marker bit(s) set high or low. No
output if selected for a standard waveform.
seq sync: Sequence sync; a positive-going pulse coincident with the end of
a waveform sequence.
burst done: A positive-going pulse coincident with the end of the last cycle
of a burst.
The default choice is
wfm end except when the channel is running a sequence in
which case it becomes
seq sync. To set the trigger out to anything other than its
default it is necessary to change the mode from
auto to manual using the mode
soft key.
Trigger out is an internal signal but, as with the other trigger sources, a positive-edged
version is available at the triggered channel’s
SYNC OUT with its default source of
Triggered Burst
Triggered burst mode is turned on with the triggered soft key on the MODE
screen. The setup… soft key on this screen accesses the TRIGGER/GATE SETUP