Product Manual

291, 292, 294
Users Manual
Gated mode
Gated mode is turned on with the gated soft key on the MODE screen. The
setup... soft key on this screen accesses the TRIGGER/GATE SETUP screen on
which the start phase is set. The other parameters associated with gated mode are set on
the TRIGGER IN set-up screen called by pressing the
TRIG IN key.
source: int force
slope: positive
level: +1.4 V
period: 1.00ms
Gate Source
The gate signal source can be selected with the source soft key on the
TRIGGER IN set-up screen to be int, ext or an adjacent channel.
With int selected the internal trigger generator is used to gate the waveform; the
duration of the gate is half the generator period, (see Internal Trigger Generator above).
With ext selected the gate duration is from the threshold level set on the specified
edge of the signal at
TRIG IN until the same level on the opposite edge; the threshold and
edge are set using the level and slope soft-keys respectively.
With chan x selected the trigger out signal from the adjacent channel x is used to gate
the waveform; the source of the trigger out signal on that channel x is set up as described
in Adjacent Channel Trigger Output above.
Gate Polarity
If slope on the TRIGGER IN set-up screen is set to positive the gate will
open at the threshold on the rising edge and close on the threshold of the falling edge of
an external gating signal, i.e. the gate signal is true when the
TRIG IN signal is high. If
slope is set negative the gate signal is true when the
TRIG IN signal is low. The
default setting of positive should be used for gating with the internal trigger
generator or an adjacent channel's trigger out.
Start Phase
Press setup… on the MODE screen to access the TRIGGER/GATE SETUP screen
on which the start phase can be set.
BURST CNT: 0000001
PHASE: +000·0º
(actual: +000·0º)
The start phase, i.e. the point on the waveform cycle at which the gated waveform starts,
can be selected by pressing the phase soft key followed by direct entries from the
keyboard, or by using the rotary control. Since the waveform cycle is always completed
at the end of the gated period the start phase is also the stop phase.