Product Manual

291, 292, 294
Users Manual
Rename Waveform
Pressing the rename… soft key on the MODIFY screen calls the Rename screen:
Rename: WFM1
as: "WFM2 "
cancel rename
The new name can be entered below the original by selecting the appropriate character
position with the cursor keys and then setting the character with the rotary control which
scrolls through all the alphanumeric characters in sequence. The name can be up to 8
characters long.
Return to the
MODIFY screen by pressing rename (which implements the new
name) or
Waveform Info
Pressing the info… soft key on the MODIFY screen calls the info screen.
Info WFM1 exit
length: 1024
The screen gives the name of the waveform, its length and the channels (in multi-channel
versions of the generator) and sequences where it is used.
exit returns the display to the MODIFY screen.
Delete Waveform
Pressing the delete… soft key displays a request for confirmation that the selected
waveform is to be deleted from the memory card:
Delete waveform
"WFM1 "
cancel delete
Confirm deletion by pressing the
delete soft key which will return the display to the
screen with the next arb waveform automatically selected; cancel aborts
the deletion.