Product Manual

Arbitrary Waveform Generation
Selecting and Outputting Arbitrary Waveforms 9
Edit Waveform
Pressing the edit wfm… soft key calls the EDIT FUNCTIONS menu:
point edit…
line draw…
wave insert…
This menu provides functions which permit the waveform to be edited point-by-point
point edit), by drawing lines between two points (line draw) or by inserting all
or part of an existing waveform into the waveform being edited (
wave insert). In
addition, sections of the waveform can be selected and their peak-to-peak level changed
using wave amplitude, or baseline changed using wave offset. Sections of the waveform
can be copied into itself (block copy) and position markers for use at
also be defined.
Pressing the
exit soft key on any of these edit screens will return the display to the
Point Edit
Press the point edit… soft key to call the POINT EDIT screen:
(addrs , value)
(0000512, +0500)
exit next point
To modify a point, press the addrs soft key and enter the address directly from the
keyboard or by using the rotary control; the current data value will be displayed to the
right of the address. To change the value press
value and enter the new value directly
from keyboard or by using the rotary control. Changing the data value automatically
updates the waveform.
Pressing the
next point soft key automatically advances the address by one point;
alternatively press
addrs to permit address entry from the keyboard or using the rotary
Line Edit
Press the line draw… soft key to call the LINE screen:
LINE( addrs ,value)
to (0000750,+0412)
exit draw line
The display shows a
frm (from) and to address which will be the points between
which a straight line will be created when the
draw line soft key is pressed. The