Product Manual

291, 292, 294
Users Manual
Waveform Offset
Pressing the wave offset soft key initiates the creation of a temporary copy of the
waveform to be edited and calls the
0000000 to 0000123
undo set offset
save & exit save
The waveform offset can be changed on a section of the waveform defined by the
and stop addresses. Set the addresses by pressing the appropriate soft key
and making entries directly from the keyboard or using the rotary control.
The data values over the specified section of the waveform are offset by the value entered
in the
WAVE OFFSET field. Press the appropriate soft key and make entries directly
from the keyboard or by using the rotary control. Entries in the range -4096 to +4095
will be accepted; this permits, in the extreme, waveform sections with values at the -2048
limit to be offset to the opposite limit of +2047. Warnings are given when the offset
causes clipping but the entry is still accepted. The original waveform can be restored by
pressing the
undo soft key.
Offset edit operates on the version of the waveform in the channel currently selected by
the channel set-up keys; the effect of the edit can be seen by selecting the waveform to
run on that channel. When the offset has been modified as required the new waveform
can be saved by pressing the
save key; once saved the original waveform cannot be
Pressing save & exit returns to the EDIT FUNCTIONS screen after the save has
been implemented. To exit the
WAVE OFFSET edit without saving changes, press
then save & exit.
Wave Invert
Pressing the wave invert soft key calls the INVERT screen:
start adrs: 0000512
stop adrs: 0000750
exit invert
The waveform or a section of it defined by the start and stop addresses can be
inverted. Set the addresses by pressing the appropriate soft key and making entries
directly from the keyboard or using the rotary control.
The data values over the specified section of the waveform are inverted about 0000 each
time the
invert soft key is pressed.
exit to return to the EDIT FUNCTIONS screen.
Position Markers
Pressing the
position markers… soft key calls the POSITION MARKER EDIT