Product Manual

Synchronizing two generators13
Hardware delays become increasingly significant as frequency increases, causing
additional phase delay between the master and slave. However, these delays can be
largely nulled out by ‘backing off’ the phase settings of the slave.
Typically these hardware delays are as follows:
DDS waveforms: <± 25 ns <1 ° to 100 kHz
Clock synthesized waveforms: <300 ns <1 ° to 10 kHz.
Clearly a multi-channel generator gives much closer inter-channel synchronization and is
the recommended method for up to 4 channels.
Having made the connections and set up the generators as described in the preceding
paragraphs, synchronization is achieved by pressing the
MAN TRIG key of the slave.
Once synchronized any change to the set-up will require resynchronization with the
key again.
It is also possible to use an external arb clock when synchronizing two generators. The
generators are set up as described for internal clock but all channels are set to external
clock. The same external clock should be applied to both generators.