Product Manual

System Operations from the Utility Menu
Power On Setting15
The ARB CLOCK IN/OUT socket is set to input by setting sys clk to off and to
an output by setting it to
on. When sys clk is on (set to output) it is also used
as the external clock when a channel is set to use an external arb clock.
The system clock frequency may be set by numeric entry or rotary control.
Note that the system clock frequency also controls the frequency of the aux sine output
on the rear panel.
sys clk: off
freq: 10.000000kHz
ref clk: input
The function of the rear panel REF CLOCK IN/OUT socket is set on the
screen, called by pressing the ref/sys clock soft key.
The default setting is for the socket to be set to input, i.e. an input for an external
10 MHz reference clock. When set to input the system is automatically switched over to
the external reference when an adequate signal level (TTL/CMOS threshold) is detected
REF CLOCK IN/OUT but will continue to run from the internal clock in the absence
of such a signal.
With the clock set to output a buffered version of the internal 10 MHz clock is made
available at the socket.
With master or slave selected the socket can be set to be a master or slave when
used for synchronizing multiple generators. Chapter 13, Synchronizing provides full
Power On Setting
Pressing the power on… soft key calls the POWER ON SETTING screen:
default values
restore last setup
recall SETUP22
The setting loaded at power on can be selected with the appropriate soft key to be
default values
(the default setting), restore last set-up (i.e. the
settings at power down are restored at power up) or any of the settings stored on the
memory card. The complete list of set-ups stored on the card can be scrolled through
with further presses of the
recall soft-key, the cursor keys or the rotary control.
default values
restores the factory default settings (see appendix D).
System Information
The system info… soft key calls the SYSTEM INFO screen which shows the
instrument's name and firmware revision. When
system info… is pressed a
checksum is also made of the firmware code and the result displayed; this can be used
when a firmware fault is suspected, to check that the code has not become corrupted.