Product Manual

Remote Operation
Remote Command Summary17
FORCETRG Force a trigger to the selected channel.
HOLD <cpd> Set hold mode <ON>, <OFF>, <ENAB> or
LOCKMODE <cpd> Set the channel synchronization mode to
LOCKSTAT <cpd> Set the channel synchronization status to
<ON> or <OFF>.
LOCAL Returns the instrument to local operation and
unlocks the keyboard. Will not function if LLO
is in force.
LRN <character data> Install data for a previous
LRN? command.
MOD <cpd> Set the modulation source to <OFF>, <EXT>
or <PREV>.
MODE <cpd> Set the mode to <CONT>, <GATE>,
<TRIG>, <SWEEP> or <TONE>.
MODTYPE <cpd> Set the modulation type to <AM> or <SCM>.
OUTPUT <cpd> Set the main output <ON>, <OFF>,
PHASE <nrf> Set the slave generator phase to <nrf>
POSNMKRCLR <cpd> Clear all position markers from arbitrary
waveform <cpd>.
POSNMKRPAT <cpd1>,<nrf1>
Put the pattern <cpd2> into the arbitrary
waveform <cpd1> from start address
<nrf1> to stop address <nrf2>.
POSNMKRRES <cpd>,<nrf> Clear the position marker at address <nrf>
in arbitrary waveform <cpd> to 0 (low).
POSNMKRSET <cpd>,<nrf> Set the position marker at address <nrf> in
arbitrary waveform <cpd> to 1 (high).
PULSDLY <nrf> Set the pulse delay to <nrf> sec.
PULSPER <nrf> Set the pulse period to <nrf> sec.
PULSWID <nrf> Set the pulse width to <nrf> sec.
PULTRNBASE <nrf> Set the pulsetrain base line to <nrf> volts.
PULTRNDLY <nrf1>,<nrf2> Set the delay of pulsetrain pulse number
to <nrf2> sec.
PULTRNLEN <nrf> Set the number of pulses in the pulsetrain to
PULTRNLEV <nrf1>,<nrf2> Set the level of pulsetrain pulse number
<nrf1> to <nrf2> volts.
PULTRNMAKE Makes the pulsetrain and runs it similar to
the WAVE PULSTRN command.
PULTRNPER <nrf> Set the pulsetrain period to <nrf> sec.