Product Manual

Sweep Operation
Setting Sweep Parameters 6
Setting Sweep Parameters
Pressing the SWEEP key (or the sweep setup… soft-key on the MODE screen)
displays the
range… type…
time… spacing…
manual… marker…
Menus for setting up the range, time (sweep rate), type (continuous, triggered, etc.)
spacing (linear or logarithmic) and marker position are all accessed from this screen
using the appropriate soft-key. In addition the control screen for manual sweep (i.e.
sweeping using the rotary control or cursor keys) is selected from this screen and sweep
mode itself is turned on and off with alternate presses of the
on/off soft-key.
Sweep can also be turned on by the sweep soft-key on the MODE screen. In multi-
channel instruments two or more channels can be swept at once using the same sweep
parameters. The channels to be swept are set on or off by selecting them in turn with the
SETUP key and then using the on/off soft-key of the SWEEP SETUP
On all the following menus, pressing the
done soft-key returns the display to this
Sweep Range
Pressing the range… soft-key calls the SWEEP RANGE screen:
start: 100.0 kHz
stop: 10.00 MHz
centr/span done
The maximum sweep range for all waveforms is 1 mHz to 16 MHz, including triangle,
ramp and square wave (which have different limits in unswept operation).
You can define the sweep range in terms either of the start and stop frequencies or of the
centre frequency and span.
start and stop soft-keys permit the two end points of
the sweep to be set directly from the keyboard or by using the rotary control; the start
frequency must be lower than the stop frequency (but see Sweep Type below for selecting
the sweep direction).
Pressing the
centr/span soft-key changes the screen to permit entry in terms of
center frequency and sweep span about that frequency; pressing the
soft-key on that screen returns the display to the start and stop frequency form of entry.
Note that when the sweep is displayed in terms of centre frequency and span the span will
always be the exact difference between start and stop frequencies but the centre
frequency shown will be that of the frequency step nearest the true centre frequency, as
described in the section above, Principles of Sweep Operation.