User manual

Model 113 English Instruction Sheet
Page 14
Accuracy is specified for 1 year after calibration, at operating temperatures of
18 °C to 28 °C, with relative humidity at 0 % to 95 %. Accuracy specifications
are given as follows:
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
±([% of reading] + [number of least significant digits])
Function Range Resolution
DC, 45 to 500 Hz 500 Hz to 1 kHz
k Chek
6.000 V
60.00 V
600.0 V
0.001 V
0.01 V
0.1 V
2.0 % +3 4.0 % + 3
Function Range Resolution
2.000V 0.001V 2.0 % + 3
Beeper on <20 Ω, off >250 Ω; detects
opens or shorts of 500 μs or longer
600.0 Ω
6.000 kΩ
60.00 kΩ
0.1 Ω
0.001 kΩ
0.01 kΩ
0.9 % + 2
0.9 % + 1
0.9 % + 1
1000 nF
10.00 μF
100.0 μF
9999 μF
1 nF
0.01 μF
0.1 μF
1 μF
1.9 % + 2
1.9 % + 2
1.9 % + 2
100 μF - 1000 μF: 1.9 % + 2
> 1000 μF: 5 % + 20
[1] All k Chek voltage ranges are specified from 60 counts to 100 % of
range. Because inputs below 60 counts are not specified, it is possible
and normal for this and other true-rms meters to display non-zero
readings when the test leads are disconnected from a circuit or are
shorted together.
[2] Crest factor of 3 at 4000 counts, decreasing linearly to 1.5 at full scale.
[3] After measuring voltage, a wait time of 1 minute is required to maintain
accuracy of ohms, capacitance, diode test, and continuity.